High School Girls

Welcome to Coppell Lacrosse!


MONDAY: Pinkerton Elementary, 5:30-6:30pm

THURSDAY: Steadfast, 5-6pm

SATURDAY: Middle School North, 9-11am


The following equipment is required to play:

- Goggles

- Stick 

- Cleats 

- Mouthpiece 

- Uniform information will be sent at a later date.

Equipment can be purchased at local sporting stores, such as Play it Again Sports, Not Just Soccer, Team LAX, Lacrosse Unlimited. There are also many other on-line options.


- Coppell Lacrosse Association is a non-profit/501(C)3 organization, located in Coppell, Texas, that exists to foster the growth and correct development of the sport of lacrosse among Coppell youth. The association includes both boys and girls lacrosse programs, from kindergarten to high school. Coppell LAX has won several state championships, the most recent beings the Boys Championship in 2021.

- Spring is the main lacrosse season. Practices will typically start back up sometime in late January or February and extending to early May.

- Registration fees cover both the Fall and Spring seasons.

For questions, please contact the High School Program Director, Val Garcia (valgarcia@valenrealty.com) or through the Crossbar app.

***REFUND POLICY*** No refunds will be issued 1 weeks after practices start.

If the season is cancelled for any reason we will stop future payments unless its half way through the Spring then full payment will be expected.

We hope that you and your daughter have a great season! Thank you for your support!

*Costs for uniforms are not included in the stated registration fees.

During checkout, 2.03% processing fee + $.99 per transaction will be assessed for payments made ACH/ Electronic Check and a 4.07% processing fee + $.99 per transaction for payments made by credit card.

High School Girls 2024-2025

This registration is for HS GIRLS only (grades 9-12) for the 2024-2025 season.

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